I have to Warning that Succubus and Rana are very hentai fighters. Rana loves to KO the girls with a sexual oil massage and Succubus Loves to fuck the girls with her tentacles. So, for the big fans of hentai char, they are very good specialy for Ryona hentai battles.
here is the prints of Rana
The cute and delicate Goddness Athena taking a belly oil kick from Rana
Rana having a oil orgasm in Succubus's face
Rana being fucked by Succubus's tentacles
Rana making a sexual oil massage in the ninja girl Kunerai
Rana having a humilhation KO being fucked by the kuromaru's barefoot dog girl
Ranoh having a brutal KO by Rana that twisted her clothe
here is the prints of Succubus
Succubus Fucking Yagumo
Succubus Fucking Ryoko nude
Succubus being sexualy devored by kuromaru in Live Sex stage
Succubus being fucked by kuromaru's dog barefoot girl
Succubus having a humilhation pose'ed Kirakira
Succubus Win pose defeating the ultimate hentai barefoot girl Tendril!!
Char: Rana
Char: Succubus
Special thanks to the perfect work by Jefry
See ya
Thank you very much for your comments, friend;
ResponderExcluirit is good that you like and enjoy my chars.
Your blog is very nice. Regards. :D
Very nice blog.I particularly liked your Mai Shiranui edits, they look fantastic.I had a question about them though, if you do not mind, i wanted to use them on fighter maker, and it only accepts image formats such as png. Do you know how i can view the sprites you edited for mugen in png format? (or anything similar) Thank you very much, and keep up the awesome work!
ResponderExcluirIs this page still on? if so, can you upload stages too?
ResponderExcluirSuccubus broken link